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New Feature Update

Quickly view your most profitable and fastest paying customers

With our Business Performance Dashboard, you can keep track of the most critical measures to run your business, including past job performance and margin, a summary of your account balances, and your total factored revenue. Identify at a glance your most profitable, fastest paying, and slowest paying customers, as well as your most frequently used carriers. Save time managing your broker operations and spend more time running your business.

Ready to Expand Your Market Reach?

Scale Your Brokerage with Confidence

Expanding into a new market can be daunting. With our market sizing worksheet, you can accurately estimate the potential of new markets in just 5 simple steps, giving you the confidence to scale successfully.

To support your growth, strong cash flow and a streamlined back-office are essential. Schedule a demo to discover how Denim can help you achieve both and drive your brokerage's success.

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Don't just take our word for it

“Based on our factoring expenses from last year, using Denim will lead to an 18% reduction in costs.”

“Denim's proactive communication reduces almost all carrier payment calls and questions. Our carriers are very happy with Denim right now.”

"An invoicing process that typically took 2.5 hours now only takes 12 minutes."

Simplify Operations and Supercharge Growth with Denim

Join the ranks of SmartBrokers who recognize the power of efficiency. Switch to Denim and unleash your brokerage's true potential.

Maximize Efficiency:
Over half (52%) of industry leaders spend 25% or more of their time on operations. That's 520+ hours a year wasted on tasks that could be optimized.

Reclaim Your Time:
Nearly half (49%) admit they're dedicating too much time to operations. Denim frees you from the grind, giving you back precious hours to focus on growth.

Time Equals Success:
78% agree: less time on operations means more success. Denim unlocks your potential by optimizing your most valuable resource—time.

Recommended Resources


4 Ways to Combat Shrinking Freight Brokerage Margins

Unlock Insights

What is a Profit and Loss (P&L) Statement for a Freight Brokerage?

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5 Steps to Freight Market Sizing 

Learn More

How to Switch Your Freight Factoring Company

Find Out How